The Serpent Beguiled Eve


Psalm 120:2 (ESV)  2. "Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue."

This Is A Book Like No Other!

The Serpent Beguiled Eve

Specifically The Serpent Beguiled Eve is the memoir of Acacia Slaton, a young mother, family counselor and award-winning author. A short time ago she went from a hopeful bride to a woman in jeopardy of losing the family structure she assumed would be a strong tie between herself, her husband and their two young daughters. Once she learned of her Christian husband's sexual preference for men, she did everything she could to help him and to save her family, but she found herself on a lonely path of much resistance. 

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Now Listen To What Acacia Has To Say...

Dear Friend, 

My name is Acacia Slaton and I'm the author of The Serpent Beguiled Eve.  This is a book about my personal experience which wasn't easy to write about, yet I felt the need to share my story in the hope that I could help other women avoid the difficulty of being deceived by the person they love. 

     You may be thinking that a man who is gay could never trick you. But because some homosexual men are desperate to hide their lifestyle, they never allow the people they know to see that side of their lives. This is why they can easily trick a woman into marriage. She never sees that side of his life in his daily routine or even with his friends and family.  

     If there are signs, a woman in love may not notice them, especially if she is pressured by family and friends to marry. Many times without realizing it, family can push a single woman into marriage with the reminder that time is passing by quickly and they're not getting any younger. If you're a single woman you may know what I'm talking about.  

     Women can also be caught off guard and beguiled when a man who wishes to deceive makes them feel as if they're the only person they could romantically love. This deception before marriage couldn't happen if there was more helpful information on the subject of gay men marrying heterosexual women. 

Look At These Statistics...

Concerning Gay Men In America

  • 20% Of All Gay Men Are Married To Women
  • 50% Of All Gay Men Have Fathered Children

(According To Compiled Statistics From

You can see from the statistics that there is a possibility for marrying a homosexual man if you're looking to be married.   

      There is a growing population of homosexual men who are ready to marry women who will unwittingly help them disguise their lifestyle.  They choose women, like you and I, who desire to have and nurture a family.  They might even attend church to appear a man of high moral character in their communities.  

     They may seek after you, a family friend or a dear relative with their charming exterior that makes a women feel special. When one is in a vulnerable state the signs of deceit can be overlooked or mistook for having an untrusting nature.  

      But let's put statistics about homosexual men marrying women aside and look at deception in general terms. I wrote The Serpent Beguiled Eve with everyone in mind because we all face situations in our lives where we can be deceived.  Have you ever been lied to by someone?  If you have, then you can understand what I'm saying and better realize the importance of my message.


This Is Why My Book Is For Everyone Not Only Women Who Plan To Marry

      What I have to share will help men and women in marriage situations as well as general living. However, I also provide my readers with scriptural principles and truths that will help those already in situations where they have been deceived find healing and restoration. 

Why This Is An Important Book 

For Your Christian Reference

Here Are Just A Few Benefits Of What You'll Learn...

To Trust God Over Flattery and Desires

The Truth About Who You Plan To Marry

God's Healing and Forgiveness 

Your Self-worth and Importance To God 

Receive Guidance To Marry The Right Person 

Avoid Lies and Deception In Marriage And Life  

Look To The Bible To Mend A Broken Heart 

Discover Yourself In Christ Before Marriage

We All Need Guidance!       

     The Serpent Beguiled Eve is going to help you avoid being deceived in general living, not only marriage situations. As you read my story, you'll learn scriptural principles and practical truths that will help you in times when you're unsure of your future or you don't know what to do about feelings you have toward people who make you feel uncomfortable. 

    The wisdom I share will teach you how to look within for the answers you need to understand what people are really saying or not saying. You'll also learn how I was able to begin my life again in the confidence that God is directing my life! 


    "Through my experience I learned invaluable information about how I was able to be deceived. I came to understand that my heart had grown far from God. When God doesn’t have your heart, it’s not long before you find yourself in compromising situations. I want to help you keep your life centered upon God."

I Know The Specific Subject Of My Book Can Be Awkward, Especially For Christians, But Someone Has To Talk About It!

Let me go deeper into my experience to give my message more importance.

     The subject of women unknowingly marrying homosexual men takes many by surprise and I have to admit, I was no exception. While I couldn't avoid noticing certain signs that something was wrong with my ex-husband before and after marriage, it took some time to realize that I had been victimized by a man who preferred having sexual relationships with other men rather than having a committed, Christian relationship with me as he had promised before our marriage. 

     By all accounts he was living a normal life. He even went to church, professing Christian values as a show for all who knew him.  But as a result of his deception my children and I fell prey to something even more sinister; the possibility of contracting AIDS! 

     I had to take two HIV tests, both which came back negative.  Yet I'm very much aware my fate could have been much different. This is why we all must look to God's Word before trusting people blindly.  When we do, He will guide us and protect us from making the kind of mistakes that can be dramatically life-changing.     

Romans 7: 18   Our flesh— our sinful tendencies—may cause us to doubt God’s faithfulness and question his sovereignty and ability to bring us out of the trial that we’re in. Our flesh may even boast in pride, “I don’t need God. I don’t need anyone!”  

    When we follow the Word, God will set things right in our lives and use our mistakes as a purpose to help others and to help us grow in Him.  I believe The Serpent Beguiled Eve is a unique book that bears the truth from a period of my life that was painful, but offers much information to help others remain close to the Word of God for strength and wisdom. In so doing, it will help you avoid the kind of problems that can turn you away from God or keep you from receiving God's greatest blessings.  It will keep you from becoming beguiled and deceived! 

Learn Important Life-Saving Biblical Wisdom...       

Let Go Of The Past

Put God's Truth First

Listen To Your Heart 

Forgive God's Way


Live in the present to remain at peace for positive growth.


Learn how to use God's Word in your life daily for continued success. 


As you read the story you'll learn how to live God's will for your life.  


Forgive in a way that brings healing without self-condemnation.  

But My Story Offers Even More To Consider...


Children Are Also At Risk!


     Many wonder if molestation of a male child causes homosexuality or if it's a myth. Acacia's husband believed that it was the cause of his homosexuality or at least responsible for his inclination to prefer men over women.  Sexually abused as a young boy, neither of his parents acknowledged his problem, leaving him to deal with his pain in silence. 

     Although gay activists distance the gay lifestyle from pedophilia, there are enough statistics to show otherwise. One has only to look on the Internet for sources that show evidence indicating that homosexual men molest boys at rates grossly disproportionate to the rates at which heterosexual men molest girls.  

     But this is not a book of facts and statistics, but rather my life experience that reveals the chain of negative events that can occur from the experience of childhood molestation. Not only are the innocent boys who are molested victimized as children and adults, but the many people who love them suffer as well. This can also happen to girl children so the information I share is not only helpful for protecting adults, but also for protecting all children from the evils of abuse and molestation.  

     I wasn't armed with the wisdom I share going into my marriage. I didn't have a choice when I became a part of my husband's secret lifestyle, but you can spare yourself and any family members you have the negative effects of lies and deceit. Now, after living through that difficult ordeal and moving forward with God as a victor in life, I desire to help you protect yourself and your family from abuse in any form. 

     The Serpent Beguiled Eve offers a plethora of important information for successful Christian living, but in keeping with the theme of this unique book you'll specifically learn information that is not easily found in other Christian books and Christian websites.   

     I urge you to do everything you can to protect yourself and your family against any form of abuse that can easily come against you. Take responsibility to keep your life and your family safe! You don't have to be a victim!  

The Serpent Beguiled Eve Is A Book Of Warning, Christian Teaching and Guidance To Help Others

This is my fourth book and I'm thankful to say that it already has over 30 positive reviews and growing on from people who have been blessed by the information I share. It's been presented the "Faith-Friendly" Seal for ages 12 plus, and has received five Doves from The Dove Foundation ( It was recently featured on Inspirational Book Review for 2 months and is being considered as their Inspirational Book of the Year! has featured it as a source of guidance on the subject of adult recovery from child abuse and molestation as well as healing from bad relationships. See below to read a few of my reviews!

  The Serpent Beguiled Eve Reviews

    Go To For Complete Reviews 

A MUST READ For Anyone Who Has Ever Been Betrayed

"I am glad that Ms. Slaton was obedient to God and decided to share her personal trials with others through this book..." Ms. Mackey

The Truth

"This book was a page turner and it resonated in some ways with my own past life of old hurts with people I dated..."  Gwendolyn Patrice Williams

True page turner!

"Enjoyed this book thoroughly! So thankful to the author for her courage, boldness and willingness to share..." Tiffany Varner

Sin and Human Relationships

"The book analyzes our own relationship with God and how unwittingly we can fall into sin..." John Berryon

Everyone Has Been Lied To By Someone They
Have Cared About Or Have Loved!  

Everyone Has Been Lied To At One Time Or Another

The way we deal with a heartbreaking situation such as being deceived by someone we love is the difference between healing or living a bitter life that can only lead to more pain. I want to help you learn the power of using God's love and forgiveness to heal and move forward. "The Serpent Beguiled Eve" provides the answers to healing now from painful relationships in order to be ready for the people God has prepared for you to successfully share your life with in peace and joy.

Review The Following Information That Is Imperative To Know In These Modern Times... 

  • Learn how to be guided by God for a successful marriage and general relationships.
  • Know how to help the people you love avoid being deceived by others.
  • Understand the signs of homosexual men who are looking for a wife to help hide a secret life.  
  • Protect your children from being molested to prevent a a pattern of homosexuality and abuse. 
  • Develop confidence and trust in God before looking for someone to "complete" your life.
  • If you've already been beguiled and deceived, know how to find the best resources for your situation.
  • Learn how to approach and educate family members about your situation so that they can best help you rather than hurt you.  
  • Find out how to productively approach the person who has deceived you. 


     I've done my best to share with you important information you need to know if you've recently experienced a break-up with someone you love, or perhaps you're unsure about someone you wish to marry. You may even be concerned about someone you love who can't see the signs of a relationship that doesn't look promising. 

     There is also the possibility that you may already be in a relationship that has taken you in a direction you never expected.  The Serpent Beguiled Eve gives references and discusses practical as well as spiritual solutions to give you the opportunity to move forward in your life rather than remaining a victim to someone who has made you feel ashamed when you haven't done anything wrong.

     It was difficult for me when I had learned that my ex-husband loved men more than he did me or our children, but I came to realize my experience as one that has brought me closer to God. Most importantly, above all, the heartache in my life has brought me to the Cross. Whatever you've been through, I believe that as you look to Jesus you will receive the power of the Cross for healing and renewal as I have.     


Acacia Slaton

P.S.  Prevention and preparation are the best weapons against persons who come against us in the guise of someone offering what we are looking for or we think we need. It's my goal to help others look past the charming exteriors of those who have hidden agendas for creating relationships with people they believe they can control and use to their benefit.  Let me help you be ready for anyone who comes to you with insincere promises of love or promises they never intend to keep.   


Let The Serpent Beguiled Eve Lead You To Your Greatest Blessings!


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